Group Classes during Tier 4/Lockdown
Following advice from the CFSG, puppy training is an essential, time critical part of puppy development. As such, all our classes will be conducted online for the duration of Tier 4/Lockdown. We learned over the previous Lockdown period that puppies can do very well learning this way, you will be able to hone the exercises and techniques in a distraction free environment so will be even more capable when they restart in the real world.
Before your session: The session will be held via Zoom, which we have found is very easy to use. Set up your camera/phone/PC so we can see you and your dog, if we are to do practical exercises make sure you have some space where you can move your camera so we can see you both standing. We have found good lighting behind the camera rather than at it is best. If you are unsure, contact us at least 24 hours before your appointment to arrange a test call.
You will receive a link to the session well in advance of the session, if you have any issues with this, please contact us the day before as we may be teaching immediately before your lesson.
You can leave your camera and sound off during sessions, however we will then be unable to critique how you are doing.
During your session: It might help to have a pen and paper handy, and don't forget toys, treats (and clicker if you use one) too! Five minutes before your start time, please click on this link, you should end up in a "waiting room," where you will be admitted.
Some pups struggle with context of training. Have your pup's collar/harness and lead nearby, but don't start with them on your pup (unless of course you are outside!). You can put these on your pup to help them know it's time for training.
After your session: Some sessions are recorded for you to view after, we will let you know. All class topics are available online if you miss your session. Note any material gained in this way remains the property of Dogworthy, please let us know if you would like to remain private.
ALL terms, conditions and cancellation policies etc that were in place at the time of your booking remain in place.
Thanks so much for your co operation and understanding and see you soon!
Risk assessments for all scenarios are available on request.
For more dog specific guidance, and to see where we are getting our information from, please see the links below: